terça-feira, 4 de setembro de 2012


Have you ever wanted to create change in your life, but you have not been able to make progress? Perhaps you felt stuck where you were and you struggled to move forward? I have experienced this feeing numerous times in my own life, and I see this pattern in my coaching clients all the time.

You may want to manifest a new job, your ideal relationship, or more money. You may want to change some bad habits or live with more self-love. No matter what it is, there is one key step that I see many people miss, and for years I missed it too.

The step that people often miss is the creation of a powerful, beautiful and inspiring vision for what they want. Instead of dedicating their attention and focus to where they want to go, they instead get tripped up focusing all of their attention on where they are now.

I see so many of my clients get stuck in the pattern of telling the same story about themselves and their life over and over. And as a result, they just keep creating the same results and experiencing the same reality, over and over.

To create change, we need to take our attention off our old stories and our present situation, and use our imagination to focus on where we want to go.


Why Is It So Important To Have A Vision?

The universe responds to the thoughts you hold in your mind about your self and your life. With every thought you think, and every word you say you are literally defining yourself.

Visions pull us forward. They motivate and inspire us. They help us see what is possible and give us the impetus to move towards it. Without a vision, we have no direction and no dream of something bigger. Without a vision we just move aimlessly through life, taking what we can get. We live without plan or purpose.


3 Steps To Creating A Powerful Vision For Your Life


1. Get clear on what you want.

Sure, it sounds obvious, but many people don’t actually know what they want. They’re so used to telling themselves they can’t have what they want, that they’ve stop allowing themselves to dream. Instead they just accept what they can get. Many of us have spent so long suppressing our dreams that we do not even know what they are any more!

It is time to get totally and utterly unreasonable. It is time to dream wildly. It is time to dig up those long-lost dreams and make them a reality.

Ask yourself these questions

 What do I you love to do?

 What are my gifts and talents?

 What makes me come alive?

 When do I feel most myself?


Then dig deeper

 If I was not afraid, what would I do?

 If I had all the money I needed, what would I do?

 If I knew I would be loved and supported unconditionally, what would I do?


And go even deeper

 Why do I want what I want?

 What do I think this will give me?

 What qualities do I want to experience on a daily basis?

 How do I want to feel?


2. Write it out.

What is your vision of what you want? What would that look like? If you were living your dream life what would you be doing? What would be happening? Write it down.

What are the characteristics of your dream job, your dream man, your dream body? What would it feel like when you had this? Write it down.

What would an ideal day in your dream life look like? What time would you get up, what would you eat, what type of work would you do, where would you be, who would you be with, what would you be wearing? Write it down.


3. Give it attention, daily.

Sit down and meditate on your vision. Call it in.

I have a special ritual where I set aside time each night to visualise my dream and energetically attract it to me. I light candles, sit on my couch and visualise. As I do, I can literally feel this new reality. I embody it. It feels real.

See yourself living in your vision. Make it so real you can feel it. When you get to this place where you can feel it, then you are in the process of attracting it. You have become magnetic to it, and you are well on your way to creating it.

 + What powerful vision are you creating for your life? What tools do you use to create your vision and attract it to you?

Author bio: Connie is transformational life coach, health-food lover and writer of the inspiration-filled blog a life of perfect days. She has a burning passion for empowering others to tap in to their potential and live out their best life. You can read more from Connie at her blog or connect with her on Facebook or Twitter

Positive affirmation for the day: I am attracting everything I desire.


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